Wednesday, October 8, 2008

That One is going to be our next president

I promise this is my last post about the presidential election. I just can’t help myself.

After last night’s debate I really believe that Obama is going to be our next president. Something drastic could happen to change things, but I thought the “wheels came off” for McCain last night.

So I started thinking about what it would mean to have a Barack Obama presidency. I have to admit I felt some pride.

I grew up surrounded by racial bigotry. At a young age I thought it was normal. After I got a little older I started wondering why? Why can’t I have a black friend over? After all, I knew white assholes and black assholes.

Now we have a black man running for the presidency of the United States of America. Whether or not you agree with Obama’s positions is not really relevant to my point.

What makes me proud is that in order for him to get elected people all over the country must be saying that race doesn’t matter.

That inspires me, and that gives me hope.

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