Monday, June 29, 2009

What can you learn from a Luau?

Ah, summertime. That time of year when friends gather together to bake in the sweltering heat, wear grass skirts, drink fruity concoctions, play beer pong, have late night jam sessions, and just maybe take a nice refreshing dip in the ocean.

That’s right, my friends. It’s called a luau.

I recently hosted a gathering of my closest friends as well as random people that I thought would look good in a coconut bra. As always I took away some lessons learned.

Mike can move pretty fast to Lei a pretty girl.

He wasn’t so helpful in setting up for the party. Not so helpful in getting the food or drink. Not so helpful in picking up supplies or putting up decorations, but I have to give it to him. When it comes to welcoming the girls and making sure they had a Hawaiian shirt and a lei, well, let’s just say Mike was on it!

Your friends will work for booze.

Need a bartender or live entertainment? Get your buddies liquored up and they are happy to oblige. I am definitely getting a brass pole next time.

Drunk chicks and motorized bikes are not a good combination

Luckily Tori stayed grounded most of the night, but she sure made us nervous. I, of course, encouraged her to show us some tricks. She just wanted to pose.

I am the worst beer pong player ever!

Seriously, beer pong by tiki torch is pretty cool, but I suck. Plus, some chicks take their beer pong kind of serious. Oh, another thing. Never substitute vodka for beer.

When it’s time to crash it’s time to crash

Some people have two gears: balls to the wall and dead to the world. Surprisingly, most of my friends tend to fall into these categories. One minute they are swinging from the chandeliers and the next they are out like a light. More power to you my ADHD compadres.

The heat rocks.

Maybe the heat is stifling. Maybe it makes it difficult to breathe. Maybe you lose a few friends as they pass out from dehydration and heat stroke. All of this is well worth the cost when you get to see beautiful women in sundresses pulling back their hair, chicks in bikinis and Hawaiian shirts, and even the occasional grass skirt and coconut bra.

So here’s to you, my friends. Join me again next year when I’m sure I’ll learn another thing or two. Until then, I’ll be at the beach.

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