Sunday, June 20, 2010

Father Knows Best

It is time once again to celebrate the Fathers among us. Yes, those tall people from our childhood who contributed so much to our growth and development. Fathers have a specialized skill set that may seem strange and disturbing to some. Here is a tribute to some of the things Dad does best!

Telling Tall Tales (aka scaring the bejesus out of your kids)

Whether it's the ghost that lives in between the walls, the wookalar that lives in the woods, or convincing your kids they have to parachute out of the commercial jet on which they are traveling. The emotional scars inflicted by your creative genius will last a lifetime.

Teaching the importance of the butterfly bandage

That gash in your knee may appear to need a dozen stitches to your mother, but Dad knows that a little iodine and a butterfly bandage will work wonders. Don't forget that those scars will be a conversation starter one day.

Instilling a sense of sportsmanship

Yes he does a little victory dance when he wins at board games. He performs an impromptu "Who's your daddy" rap when he takes you out on the XBox. He may pout and refuse to acknowledge your existence the first time you manage to one-up him in any competitive endeavor. All this he does for your own edification.

Helping you grow up

"Life's not fair", "Want me to call the wahmbulance?" and "Never trust a women/man who..." may sound harsh at first, but these idioms are classic dad tools designed to assist in your transition to adulthood.

Here's to all of the Fathers out there. Keep up the good work!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

sVery well put together , as always .