Sunday, April 24, 2011

All Aboard

This weekend was my first time traveling by train. This has been a goal of mine for many years now, so I hopped aboard an Amtrak for a nice little jaunt from Seattle to Vancouver, British Columbia.

There is something very nostalgic about traveling by rail. The laxidasical pace is part of it I guess. You are probably not in a hurry if you are going very far. I found it extremely relaxing watching the hills roll by, while sipping a coffee and listening to the grating of metal on metal wafting from below. Every so often, an air horn reminds you of your present circumstances in case you drift too far away.

You notice the relaxed state of your fellow passengers as well. This stands in stark contrast to the hectic nature of air travel, where everyone is stressed and packed as tightly as possible into a tin can. The fact that you can stand up without bumping your head even if you have the audacity to stand taller than five-five certainly helps as well.

Maybe it is because of the carefree mood, but it’s possible to carry on an enjoyable conversation with your neighbors on a train. And, if you find yourself bored silly, you can always excuse yourself to the dining car to find a more enjoyable colloquy.

Listening can be fun too.

Little English girl to her brother, “Yes, we are going to Seattle. That is where they make all of the coffee.”

So as I publish this blog over the free wi-fi network courtesy of Amtrak (and freely check my voice mail and text messages on my phone) I can’t help but dread my upcoming flight home. For the next few hours, though, I will just sit back and enjoy the scenery.

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