Friday, August 24, 2012

They are not all morons

Sorry guys, but I have to say it. Just because you do not agree with someone does not make them a moron.

I heard it about George W. Bush. I disagreed.

I heard it about John Kerry. I disagreed.

I heard it about Barack Obama. I disagreed.

Now, I hear it about Joe Biden, Paul Ryan, and Mitt Romney. I respectfully disagree.

While I wholeheartedly disagree with many policy decisions of each of these men, I cringe when I hear them called morons, idiots, and fools. They are not. They are highly educated and ambitious men with whom you disagree. You may be right. You may be wrong. But to characterize the men as “morons” does a great disservice to our process.

If these are educated men with whom we disagree then we can have a dialog. If they are idiots we just throw up our hands.

It is more easy (and more lazy) for us to brand them as dumb and move on. If you do not agree with the policies of a politician then please speak up. Explain your position. Explain why your position is justified. Otherwise, keep your mouth shut. Calling a person who has achieved a great honor “stupid” is…well…stupid.

P.S.  Sarah Palin is still a moron :)

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