Thursday, May 22, 2008

21 days with no meat

I have to admit that I have an issue that I have struggled with for a while now. I've gone back and forth, rationalized, justified and tried to sort it out with not much luck. So, as always when I struggle with an issue, I have decided to jump in with both feet. I'm not saying this strategy works any better than any other, but it's how I roll (how long did it take for that expression to get corny?)

So, I'm going on a vegan trial run. How did I come to this decision? I've been a carnivore for my entire life, and I have to admit that I really like to eat meat. I like to eat dairy even more. I've known for a long time that a vegan lifestyle is far healthier than a carnivorous one, but let's face it. I'm not really a health nut. Nobody is going to live forever, and I don't see much point in trying. What really made me think seriously about going vegan is the factory farming debacle.

I won't go into the entire ethical, social, and health issues associated with factory farming. If you can access this blog you can find out more than you would ever care to learn about it. I can promise that you will be disturbed if you spend any time researching factory farms. I almost wish that I never had. It's like getting a job at your favorite restaurant. After you see the inner workings of the beast you may never eat there again.

So here is my plan. How long does it take to create a habit? Some web site said 21 days, so I'm going with that. I figure surely I can do anything for 21 days. At the end I can decide whether to continue or not. How tough can it be to go without meat and dairy for 3 weeks?

Those of you that know me well may be doubters. I don't blame you. I lasted approximately 12 hours on the Atkins diet one time. I've quit smoking so many times that I tell people how easy it is. I change jobs at the drop of a hat, and sometimes I'll borrow your hat and drop it. In other words, I'm not really a stick-with-it kind of guy. But I'm giving it the old college try. Can I do it? Stay tuned.

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