Saturday, May 24, 2008

Who wants a nut?

If you can't see the humor in life you're just not looking. Here's my story. I went to Hemming Park for my Seekers meeting today. I was expecting a good turnout, but it ended up being just Bucky and me. We're standing around talking and Bucky says "What's wrong with that squirrel?" I look around and there is a squirrel lying in the middle of the park on the brick pavers.

We walk over to check it out, and the squirrel appears hurt. He has blood all over his nose and face, and he couldn't seem to move his legs very well. He could just sort of scoot a little bit. He must have fallen out of a tree onto the brick pavers. After a little discussion I decide to take him home with me, and see what happens. I figure I could try to nurse him back to health then let him go.

I pick him up and carry him to my jeep. He's moving around a little, but not much. I put him in the passenger seat and he scoots around a little bit, but once he gets comfortable he just lays there looking around. So, off I go to pick up my kids from my sister's house.

The entire trip I've been putting my hand on the squirrel and petting him. Frankly, I didn't think he was going to make it. His breathing had slowed down considerably from when I picked him up the first time. I turn onto this little dirt road to Kelly's house and he starts crawling a little on the seat.

I figure the bumpy road is scaring him, so I stop the jeep, pick him up and put him on my lap. He then starts crawling on my leg. He's no longer scooching mind you. He's climbing on my leg. I start to worry a little bit now. He wasn't biting or scratching earlier, but he wasn't climbing then either. If he got his crawling sense back I figure maybe he got his scratching and biting senses as well.

I slowly open the door, but he doesn't do anything. He just hangs onto my shorts. I get out of the jeep and he climbs onto my back. I'm standing in the middle of this dirt road beside my jeep with a squirrel climbing on my back. I just start laughing at this point. Let's face it. That's some pretty funny stuff.

I lean against a bush trying to get him to climb off of me, but he just climbs up on top of my shoulder. I didn't think he was going to bite me at this point, so I reach up and take him off of my shoulder. He didn't fight me, but he kept clutching my shirt with his paws. I put him on the ground by the side of the road, and off he scrambles like nothing was ever wrong with him.

So there is a new squirrel in the Yulee neighborhood. I told the kids that maybe he had family in those woods and just needed a ride home. He didn't have to be so dramatic about it though. Good luck little guy, and watch those long jumps.

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