Saturday, May 31, 2008

Interview with a maniac

I made it through another job interview.  I was pretty nervous about this one, and I don't really know why.  It was an internal interview.  I already have a job.  The worst they can say is "No thanks."  So why was I nervous?  I'm not really sure.  I guess it's normal, but that answer isn't all that satisfying to me.


It was a panel interview for one thing.  Now, I normally would prefer a panel interview to one on one.  I have done better in the past with the panels.  I think it's actually a little more nerve-racking to do this type of interview internally than with an outside company.  Why?  I guess I always think "If I really screw it up so what.  I'll never see these people again."  It's a little different when you are interviewing with people that you will be working with no matter the outcome of the process.


But I made it through.  I have no idea of the outcome.  I can only say that I didn't completely embarrass myself (I don't think).  I did completely blank on a few questions, but I figured I would.  The entire interview was geared around competencies, so the questions went something like "Tell me a time when you demonstrated 'so and so' competency.  How were you able to do this?"

This type of questioning isn't all that compatible with my Swiss cheese memory.  I muddled through, however, and finally came up with answers to everything.  It did require a rambling answer at times until my brain finally found an experience filed away.

But back to why I was so concerned in the first place.  My son lost a couple of baseball games this week.  Ethan is a very talented athlete, and he played really well in both games.  He is also very competitive.  He was really upset Thursday night when I talked to him, so I was thinking about how to help him yesterday before my interview.  "You don't need to be the best at everything.  You can't win every game."  I thought of telling him.

Then I laughed, and I told myself instead.  By the way, Ethan hit a home run in his last game friday night.  They won 12 - 5.  I'll let you know next week if I fared as well.

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