Thursday, May 29, 2008

Water cooler causes man’s head to explode

This water cooler is bugging me.  I know this is not normal.  I keep thinking about how the water heater works, and it's really starting to annoy me.  I googled some stuff about water heaters to no avail.  I know what you're thinking.  Who cares?


I was assuming it had some type of reservoir that heated the water, which I still think it does.  The water, however, "gurgles" down into the reservoir while you're dispensing the hot water.  I can't imagine that the cold water is mixing directly with the hot water in the reservoir as you're dispensing, so I'm guessing there is some type of "intermediate chamber".  Sort of like getting in and out of a submarine.

I'm pretty sure I'm going to be taking apart a water cooler in the near future.  If anyone knows how this thing works let me know.  Sometimes I end up with extra parts after I put things back together.

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