Saturday, June 7, 2008

Road Trip ’08

As some of you already know I have been planning (I use planning in a very loose sense.) a cross country trip for a few months now.  The details are starting to come into focus, so I thought I'd give everyone an update.  Here's the plan.

Granpap and I will be heading out on Saturday, July 19th.  The trip will last approximately two weeks.  The destination:  Nowhere.  That's right.  We are going on a trip to nowhere.  Well, not exactly nowhere.  I have an approximate route that we plan on generally following, but other than a few points of interest we have no set destination.  Here's the general route.

So, here's the good news about not having a set destination.  If you play your cards right you could become one of our destinations!  Exciting proposition, I know.  You see, this is a sort of minimalistic adventure for me.  We'll be stopping at campgrounds along the way, sleeping in a tent, and eating out of a cooler for most of the trip.  If any of my supportive and gracious friends would like to supply us with food and/or lodging for a night on our trip...Well, let's just say I wouldn't turn it down.

OK.  I probably won't actually work for food, but I will entertain you with tales from the road.  Most will be total fabrications, but they will be interesting nonetheless.  If you are interested in a house or dinner guest for a night let me know.  Throw in a shower and I'll include your name in one of my tall tales from the road.

Now some of you may be thinking "What about the G-man?  Can he handle himself on the open road with Adam?"

Never fear.  I promise to take good care of him and deliver him safely home in a couple weeks.  We already have a contingency plan in the works in case of any unforseen conflicts.  Right now, the negotiations are at a standstill over the issue of a plane or a greyhound bus (which I argued is just more fun).  I feel confident that we will iron this out, and I really don't forsee us needing to resort to the backup plan.  (We also have another backup plan in case of low cash-flow.  Granpap will take his guitar to the streets to collect a little cash.  If that doesn't work I plan on selling him to a dude ranch.)

So, while the details are still a little fuzzy, the grand scheme has been put into motion.  We're coming for you America.  Are you ready?

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