Sunday, June 15, 2008

A Father’s Day Story

    "No one appreciates me" he thought as he stared at the unwashed dishes in the sink.  The kitchen was a complete disaster, and the living room wasn't much better.  Dirty socks and underwear littered the floor reminding him of a high school locker room.

    "Take 'em off wherever you see fit.  Dear ole dad will pick them up, wash them out, and deposit them in your drawer."  At least that's how he imagined they thought.  Or maybe they thought the laundry fairy picked them up while they slept.  Who knew what went through their little minds.

    Today should be different, though.  It was Father's day for crying out loud.  If they couldn't help out just a little on this day maybe they didn't care at all.

    "You sure are a martyr." came the chiding voice in his head.  "Oh poor me, my children are slobs" his inner voice cackled.  "What exactly did you think you were signing up for?"

    Not this, that was for sure.  He'd pictured this day quite differently before his children had arrived.  He would awaken to the scrumptious aroma of a gourmet breakfast being prepared complete with juice, toast, coffee, and maybe some fresh fruit on the side.

    As he drifted home from the land of nod he would see three smiling faces sitting around him.  After they all expressed their gratitude for all of his hard work they would scuttle off to clean up as he ate his breakfast in peace.

    Instead he awoke to the sound of the television spouting whatever the popular nonsense was these days; the house in disarray, the children sullen.  Happy Father's day, yippee!

    He cooked breakfast amongst the clamor of his offspring.  "Dad" shouted the youngest 'he won't let me watch my show!"

    Another argument.  Surprise, surprise.  If he went a full five minutes without hearing one he might think he had wandered into the wrong house.

    So he carried on as usual on that day; refereeing arguments, wiping tears, entertaining the boisterous and unruly mob.

    He took them to the movie theater in the afternoon; a short respite from the stifling heat and incessant bickering.  They shared a candy bar in the lobby and fought over who got the biggest piece.  They argued over who got to ride in the front seat of the car, then switched to arguing over who got to ride in the back.

    He carried on that day just like any other; except this day he felt a little resentful.

    He cooked them supper, a delicious meal of lima beans and cornbread.  "Do I have to eat beans?" someone asked with no small amount of disdain in their voice.

    Feed them, bathe them, put them to bed.  "Another Father's day goes down in the books" he thought as he kissed their foreheads and turned out the light.

    As he stood in the doorway absorbed in self pity, a small voice brought him back.  "Dad" it called.  "Yes, my son" he automatically replied.

    "Happy Father's Day." said a sleepy eyed boy "I'm glad you're my dad."  His father smiled and as his eyes welled with tears he answered, "Me too, Son.  Me too."

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