Monday, June 23, 2008

Karma according to Big A

Many apologies to my Buddhist friends, because I am about to completely bastardize the concept of Karma. Let's just call it Akarma, or "Karma according to Big A".

Have you ever noticed how situations tend to repeat themselves in your life? If you step back and look at your life circumstances you will see the same patterns repeating. Why is this? Do we seek out the familiar? Are we subconsciously drawn to a pattern?

I think its Karma. Granted, my insights into Karma come mainly from watching "My Name is Earl" on TV. Still I feel like I have a handle on the concept.

I think Karma is the simple repetition of situations in our life that we haven't adequately worked through. If we haven't solved the puzzle, we get it again in a different form. We can get it over and over again for our entire lives if we don't eventually figure it out. Then maybe we get it in our next life; I don't know.

Once we deal with a situation, and I mean really deal with it. We don't see it again. What's up with that?

"Those who don't learn from history are destined to repeat it." Is it really that simple?

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