Monday, November 10, 2008

Five Predictions for Obama’s first year in office

I wanted to wait a little while for the dust to settle on the election before giving my thoughts. I know you all have been waiting with bated breath to hear my predictions, so here goes. Here are five predictions for the first year of Barrack Hussein Obama’s term of office.

1. Obama will introduce sweeping reforms that will pass in Congress

Sure he will. We’ve all heard it before. I think this time it will happen though. It may be health care. It may be tax reform. It may be energy policy. I think he goes big.

Why will he be successful? Simple.

He won’t introduce anything that won’t pass. It’s as simple as that. This guy is meticulous in his preparation. He will have every base covered, and he will know how the vote will go down before he ever sends the bill to congress.

2. Obama will reach a 70% job approval rating in his first year

I don’t think it really matters what happens with the economy either. I think it comes down to his temperament and personality. People may not like what is happening, but they will see Obama clearly explain the problems and honestly articulate how he plans to tackle the issues.

I think we’ll find that people enjoy being treated like adults.

3. Republicans will take a while to come around

Republicans are scratching their heads and wondering how all of this could have happened. They were running against a liberal, young, black guy with limited experience, and they lost NORTH CAROLINA to him.

A new voice will arise from the Republican collapse, but I think it might take one more drubbing in 2010. The social conservatives can’t carry the party anymore. Until they realize this the republicans will continue to lose elections.

4. We’ll be out of Iraq quicker than most people think

Obama opposed this war from the beginning, and right now most Americans regret going in too. We can’t just pull out of this thing all at once, but I think you’ll see a strong push for troop draw downs fairly shortly after the inauguration.

Expect to see the U.N. take a more active role as well.

5. The economy will rebound in 2009

Whenever everyone agrees that things are going downhill fast we can be sure we’re near the bottom. I’m not saying the economy will be where many would like in 09, but it will begin to improve. What goes up must come down, and what goes down must come up.

There you go. Please note that my opinions are my own and may not reflect the opinions of management, staff, economists, foreign policy experts, or any other sane individuals. Oh yeah. My bonus prediction…the Cuba embargo will be history within two years.

Smoke ‘em if you got ‘em. Cuban cigars are coming to a humidor near you.

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