Monday, November 3, 2008

Post Election Scenarios: What to expect on Wednesday

It’s almost here, folks. Tomorrow millions of Americans will cast a vote for our next president. It’s an exciting time. Most will cast a vote either for the Republican or Democrat candidate.

I’d like to fast-forward for a moment to Wednesday morning. We’ll wake up and watch the news. Hopefully, the election will be decided. Roughly half of you will be disappointed. Roughly half of you will be happy. Some won’t care.

As you cast your ballot tomorrow think about what could happen on Wednesday whether your candidate wins or loses.
If your candidate wins:

Your rent or mortgage will be due on the first of the month.
The government will make many decisions that you do not agree with.
Individuals will make decisions that they believe are best for them, their family, and their loved ones.
Many around you will not share your values.
Citizens will argue over the best course of action in politics, economics, social issues, and foreign affairs.

If your candidate loses:

Your rent or mortgage will be due on the first of the month.
The government will make many decisions that you do not agree with.
Individuals will make decisions that they believe are best for them, their family, and their loved ones.
Many around you will not share your values.
Citizens will argue over the best course of action in politics, economics, social issues, and foreign affairs.

Politicians, political activists, and corporations have invested a lot in scaring voters over the last year. They have told everyone that every bad thing you can think of will happen if their candidate doesn’t win.

Unfortunately, that bell can’t be unrung. Close to half of the voting citizens will think the United States is going to hell in a hand basket on Wednesday. Don’t be one of them.

Leave your fear at your polling place, and don’t buy into all the hype. The balance of the universe does not rest on who occupies the White House next year.

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