Friday, May 1, 2009

Is it really May?

Greetings fellow Earthlings! It’s been a while since I’ve regaled you with my tales of the patently obvious, and I know some of you must be a little distressed by this. Not to worry. My rambling never ceases…it only subsides briefly.

I don’t know how many of you realize this, but we are now in the fifth month of 2009. Is that freaking unbelievable or what?

Now, I had a lot of ambitious plans this year. Well, not plans per se, but rough sketches in the fabric of my mind. I’m a little bummed that the year seems to have jumped into overdrive.

However, the summer is still ahead, and I’m planning on kicking my plans into gear as the temperature rises. I’ll be heading to a music festival in Iowa for July 4th this year with my son. Last year was the old farts father-son road trip. This year it’s the young whippersnapper trip.

The rest of my summer is looking pretty nebulous. I’m sure I’ll find something to do.

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