Thursday, May 28, 2009

Life on the beach

So, I’ve been at the beach for almost three months now. As you know I tend to reflect a lot on lessons learned. I rarely use that knowledge to alter my behavior in any way, but I do think about it.

So after three months on the beach what have I learned? Thanks for asking.

Living on the beach is freaking amazing!

I just have to get that out there from the beginning. From the salt air to the roar of the ocean to the sunrise on the water it is an amazing place to hang your hat.

You become more popular when you live at the beach.

It’s amazing how your friends come out of the woodwork when you have a beach house. Don’t get me wrong, I’m all about having friends crash with me. It’s just funny how that works.

The beach is pretty sandy

Seriously. I have sand everywhere in my house! It blows in. It gets tracked in. I think little leprechans carry bags of sand in while I sleep and scatter it throughout the joint.

There is absolutely nothing more romantic than a moonlight stroll on the beach.

Okay, maybe there are things more romantic, but this has got to be high on the list. You know all those saps who say they enjoy long walks on the beach? I think they’re on to something.

Anything that’s fun to do is even more fun to do on the beach!

I haven’t come across any exceptions yet. I’ll keep experimenting.

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