Monday, June 1, 2009

Mind your own business!

You may have noticed that my blogs have been a little more upbeat that normal. The truth is that things have been going pretty well for me lately, and I’m having a hard time finding things to rant about.

Not to worry though. I’m nothing if not persistent. So, I’m thinking “What has really pissed me off lately?” The answer?

Busy bodies.

Now I suspect that each of us has at one time or another been guilty of getting all up in someone else’s business. There are, however, others who practice it as an art form.

So I’m swimming in a pool that technically is “Out of Order”. Maybe I’m recording video of a live theatrical production. And how do you not play guitar at three in the morning when you’ve met new friends?

Believe it or not there are those who would seek to interfere with all of these activities. My theory of their motives rests mainly on the interval of time since their last diddle.

I say live and let live. Although, I guess that means I have to let the busy bodies do their thing, too. Damnit!!!

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