Sunday, January 4, 2009

My New Year Resolution

Everyone loves a fresh start. This was my thought as the final seconds ticked off the clock and the odometer rolled from 2008 to 2009. What good is a fresh start though if you don’t shake things up, rock the boat, do things differently?

With these thoughts rolling through my head I began planning how my life would be different this year.

I thought about resolving to be more punctual. Surely, this is a noble goal. How hard could it be?

Of course, I could also examine why I’m so frequently late. I could examine the root cause. Maybe I don’t really want to be in a place so I put it off until the last minute. Maybe I should resolve to stop doing things I don’t really want to do and going places I don’t really want to be.

I could resolve to be more organized. I could focus on making sure every thing has a place. Books on the shelves instead of scattered across tables, dressers, and floors. Papers filed neatly rather than tucked away wherever I last reviewed them.

Upon further reflection, however, I might be better served to reduce my clutter rather than just organize it. Get rid of the nonessential items. Donate them to a good cause perhaps.

Speaking of donations, maybe I should focus more on donating my time to worthy causes. Working in a soup kitchen, mentoring a child, helping those less fortunate than myself.

On the other hand, charity does begin at home. Why go out of my way to help strangers when there is so much that I could do to help my family and friends? If we all took care of those closest to us surely the effects would reverberate throughout our world.

But I have personal goals as well. I want to write a book, take up surfing, exercise more, eat healthier, travel, save a little money, build some relationships, and invent a new breakfast dish.

I also want to paint a landscape, teach my dog, Josie, to catch a Frisbee, publish an iPhones application, grow a rose garden, and ride a zip line.

Now that I think about it I have a lot of things I’d like to do. I guess I won’t get around to everything this year. I may be able to make a resolution that I could keep, however.

I could resolve to keep these goals in mind as I muddle through 2009. I could resolve to dream of what I want to do and make decisions that bring me closer to these goals. I could resolve to put myself in a place where I am ready to tackle any of these opportunities should they arise.

Or I could resolve to exercise more. I’m still making up my mind.

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