Sunday, December 21, 2008

2008 Year in Review

I know Christmas isn’t until next week, so maybe I shouldn’t start thinking about the New Year yet. I’m always a little circumspect this time of year though. I think it has something to do with my Sagittarius nature.

This year has brought a lot of firsts for me. Not all have been pleasant, but most of them have worked out pretty well. I thought I’d jot down some of the highlights. Buckle your seat belts boys and girls. It’s been a crazy year.

My first skydive

Adam's Skydive

I started out with a tandem and liked it so much I went for my certification. I fizzled out on it after a while. Skydiving is a huge commitment. I did get to jump three times and fly solo.

Got an extra week of vacation


I have never stayed at any job long enough to get an extra week of vacation. It’s pretty sweet. If I can just get another three or four weeks I’ll be set.

Got a promotion at work


I was a little skeptical about this promotion to begin with. It seemed like a lot more work for a little more money. I must admit it’s turned out great. I much prefer the work that I am doing now.

Drove across the United States

Grand Canyon

I’ve wanted to do this for a while. My dad and I took to the open roads for two weeks with nothing but a jeep, some camping equipment, and our wits. I couch surfed, went out on Lake Erie, saw the grand canyon, and drove through the Rocky mountains…all for the first time.

Had my son live with me for a year


It was year of ups and downs for my son and me. He moved in with me in February and moved out in December. I’m glad we had the experience. Time will tell if I was able to have any positive effect on him.

Started blogging


It seems like I’ve been doing this for a lot longer, but I think I started around March. It’s a good outlet for me, and having someone pay me to do it is a great perk.

Got a new guitar


I have wanted an acoustic electric guitar for over ten years. I have no idea why it has taken me so long to get one. The old Epiphone has been retired in favor of a shiny new Yamaha. If I could just learn how to play…

Stayed single for the entire year (kind of)

Still Single

I haven’t been 100% single all year, but I haven’t jumped into any long term relationships. Maybe that’s why I’ve been able to accomplish so much this year.

All in all I have to say 2008 has been a damn fine year for me. The economy is in the toilet, but I’m having a great time.

I can’t wait to see what 2009 has in store!

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