Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Who wants to live forever?

So I’m watching CNN, and they are going on about some life expectancy calculator on the Internet. You can plug in risk factors like smoking, eating sweets, wearing seat belts, yada yada, and it tells you how long you might wander around this planet we call home.

“If you stop eating sweets you can increase your life expectancy by five years” they boast.

Now, I realize that I’m only 32 years old and my philosophy is likely to change as I age, but what is the obsession with hanging around so long? I don’t know about you, but I’m starting to wear out already. I can’t imagine what shape I’ll be in at 96.

I’m not wishing for an early demise or anything, but I’m not all that concerned about checking out of this joint at some point. Am I way off base here?

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