Monday, October 5, 2009

Am I in line here?

I admit it. I bust in line. I do it in traffic. I do it at the movies. I’ve been known to do it at wedding receptions.

That doesn’t make it right. I expect to be chastised if caught.

What really irks me is when cutting in line is completely tolerated by businesses (and the person cutting is not me.) Here are two types of cutting that are completely acceptable in most stores.

Phone cutting

Have you ever been waiting at a customer service desk to talk to someone in a long, slow-moving line? Maybe you just need to ask a question about a return. Then the phone rings behind the desk. What does the person working the desk do? Of course, they pick up the phone and help solve the caller’s problem.

I’m going to try to call from my cell while waiting in line next time. Is that phone caller really more important than us schmucks standing in front of you?

Drive through cutting

I’m in Starbucks the other day with my kids. We are the only people in Starbucks. As I am waiting for my order I watch the drive through window. People are speeding through there like it’s the freeway!

What the hell? Just because you’re in a car you deserve preferential treatment? She’s slinging lattes out the window like she’s working a pit crew.

Please people, let’s get this straightened out. I, for one, do not want to live in a world where cutters like me are accepted. It’s a matter of principle!


Amy said...

You are a cutter Mister! On top of being a cutter, when confronted, you laugh. I have no further comment.

Anonymous said...

You sound like a terrible person. Cutting in line is extremely inconsiderate to those who you are cutting in front of. I have no sympathy for you.