Thursday, December 31, 2009

2009 Year in Review

Well, friends, another year is almost in the tank. I would like to thank my good friends Mr. Daniels and Mr. Bombay for their help throughout the year. They have provided valuable insight into life, love, and happiness as always.

Now we again come to that special time when friends come together for the most time-honored tradition; getting plowed and making promises. You can almost feel the good will building as the clock ticks its way down to midnight. The euphoria builds to a crescendo as the new year crashes in and you kiss the prettiest girl you can reach.

Then the hangover sets in.

Before we get to all of that though I thought I would reflect on my 2009 experience. It was wild. It was wacky. Let's reflect, shall we?

Moved to the Beach

Yes friends it may seem like I've lived here all my life, but I moved to my beachside cabana in February of 2009. Best move ever!

Had a luau (AKA: AdamFest 2009)

How can you live at the beach and not have a luau. Oh, and I now have a ukulele that I will be strumming at next year's event. It's gonna be sweet!

Another road trip

This time it was my boy and me on the open road. We braved the swamps of Louisiana, the cornfields of Kansas, and the Wal-Mart shoppers of Arkansas, but we made to Sioux City, Iowa to see the Counting Crows.

Changed Jobs (again)

I did such a great job with my promotion last year that, they asked me to go back to doing my old job. Just keep the paychecks coming, brothers.

Finally got to use that "In a relationship" status on Facebook

What can I say? I'm smitten.

Happy New Year to you all, my friends. I look forward to sharing many adventures in 2010. Let's get started!

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