Saturday, December 19, 2009

I’m Just Sayin’

Few phrases make my skin crawl as much as the ever popular “I’m Just Sayin’.” Maybe this isn’t a new term, but it seems like I’m seeing it more and more lately.

What the fuck does this mean?

I realize that you’re just saying whatever it is you’re saying. I never thought you were also performing an interpretive dance.

I guess what your are really trying to say is “Don’t hold me responsible for anything I said, because I’m just running my mouth.” Kind of like “with all due respect.”

As in “With all due respect, you’re a real douchebag.”

So, CNN is even getting into it. That should be your cue folks to drop this phrase from your repertoire. Jon Stewart says it better than I ever could.

Please people. You are taking years off of my life with every utterance of this phrase. I want to poke out my eyes every time I read it. I have a nearly uncontrollable urge to stick a pair of cockroaches in my ears every time I hear it. End the madness!

I’m just sayin’.

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