Sunday, March 21, 2010

The Truth About Socialized Medicine

Big government is here, and they are coming for your health care this time. The time-honored principles upon which this country was founded are under assault. Let's look at what this so-called "Health Care Reform" bill would actually do.

Insurers would be required to provide coverage for non-dependent children up to age 26.

Insurance companies are people, too. That's what the Supreme Court ruled. The government has no right to put these kinds of mandates on people. Recent college graduates need to either pony up for their own policy or do without. If they happen to develop a serious illness while uninsured it serves them right. Health care is a privilege not a right.

Total out-of-pocket expenses would be limited, and insurance companies would be prevented from denying coverage for pre-existing conditions. Insurers would be barred from canceling coverage for sick people, as well as charging higher premiums based on a person's gender or medical history.

Insurance companies should be able to deny coverage to whomever they wish. If they can't then just any sick person is going to be able to have coverage regardless of their financial status. This is blatantly anti-American.

We can't just treat everyone. Priority should be given to those of wealth and status. After all, our founding fathers didn't give equal rights to slaves. Why should we treat sick poor people the same as we treat sick wealthy people? These wealthy people have earned the right to be treated. If poor people want the same level of care they need to get off of their lazy asses and get a job.

A 40 percent tax would be imposed on insurance companies providing "Cadillac" health plans valued at more than $10,200 for individuals and $27,500 for families. The tax would kick in starting in 2018.

This is perhaps the most troubling aspect of this "reform". People with high income levels are going to be restricted from having "Cadillac" plans. What does this really mean?

What it means is doctors and hospitals are going to be forced to treat patients based on the severity of their condition and not based on their wealth. I don't know if I can live in a country like that.

We all know that the life and health of a crack baby is not nearly as valuable as that of a wealthy business executive. We are now going to make the wealthy business person with joint pain wait in line behind the welfare mother with a heart condition. This is simply not right.

There are many other aspects of the bill that I can't cover here due to the massive size of the legislation. They are all equally troubling and follow the same pattern. Insurance companies are literally not going to be able to dump people when they get sick, and they are not going to be able to deny them coverage if they are a risky bet.

The tea party activists have it right. Just like our founding fathers protested against taxation without representation they are protesting against medical treatment without consideration of class, age, wealth, health, or status.

What a noble cause.

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