Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Irish Eyes are Smiling

So, St. Patty’s Day is upon us again. Normally, I spend this holiday in a drunken stupor, which I’ve come to realize is not a great tribute to the fine traditions of Ireland. To make up for all of those years that I’ve stumbled from bar to bar singing off-key the wrong words to Irish drinking songs I’ve decided to post a tribute to my Irish brethren. Here are some of my favorites of all things Irish.

Denis Leary

You’ve got to love Denis Leary. I crack up just looking at him. Here’s what he said about his religious beliefs.

“I`m a lapsed catholic in the best sense of the word… My parents, you know, prayed all the time, took us to mass. And my father would sometimes swear in Gaelic. It doesn`t get more religious than that.”

Kiss Me I’m Irish Shirts

Best marketing campaign ever! Beautiful women begging to be kissed? Are you kidding me? Whenever I see a chick wearing this shirt I lay one on her. Glorious tradition.

The Lucky Charms Guy

Whenever I see this little dude I just want to dance a jig. I’m sure the Irish get sick of him, but c’mon. He’s the lucky charms dude.

Grace Kelly

If I need to explain this one to you…well, I can’t help you.


So we’ve made it back full circle, and as always we seem to end on alcohol. Now that I think about it, stumbling from bar to bar singing Irish drinking songs is really a compliment to the culture. Let’s face it. Without all of the booze most people wouldn’t give a rat’s ass about St. Patricks day. So, raise your glasses my friends and repeat after me.

Here’s to a long life and a merry one.
A quick death and an easy one.
A pretty girl and an honest one.
A cold pint– and another one!

I love St. Patty’s day.

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