Thursday, August 27, 2009

The dude abides...

I take as many life lessons as possible from The Big Lebowski. Here are a few favorites...

That's just like...your opinion man.

Fuck it! Let's go bowling.

What day is this?

and of course...

The dude abides.

Most of the time I find it easy to abide. Money problems? No worries. Sleeping on the beach is free. Someone getting on your nerves? All you have to do is walk away.

One of your ex's being a bitch?

Yea, that one is a little tougher. Although, it is nice to have your decision to split validated periodically. In fact, its feels pretty good to remember that it could always be worse. You could still be with her.

Now that I think about it life is pretty damn good. Fuck it. Let's go bowling!

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