Saturday, August 29, 2009

How Refreshing.

I've been listening to a little news lately. Actually, it's more political commentary than news. Listening to the banter is exhausting. Can we get a little sincerity?

"You supported strengthening the subprime loan program at Fannie and Freddy. Isn't that what got us into this mess?"

This is what I hear everyone ask. The answer is astounding.

"I supported Fannie and Freddy and the home ownership program, but I never supported these bad subprime loans."

You're killing me dude!

Taking the heat can be tough. I get it. You have to admit though that the denial of any responsibility for the mistakes that were made can be a little condescending to us common folk. I've never found it detrimental to my objectives to acknowledge my mistakes. The ego hurts a bit, but it heals quickly.

Just once I would like to hear "I supported Fanny and Freddy because I was interested in helping low-income citizens. I thought that helping them toward home-ownership was a good goal. We never realized that so many bad loans would be offered. In retrospect we should have had more oversight of the program."

Wow! Honest conversation. How refreshing.

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