Sunday, January 24, 2010

Roundabouts...they're not for everybody

A big part of my ramblings are devoted to educating those ignorant fools out there who just don’t get it. Just one of the many ways that I give back to my community.

Today’s public service announcement is devoted to roundabouts.

You know what a roundabout is, right? It’s an intersection (usually four ways) where all points of entry yield to one another.

The operative word here folks is YIELD. A roundabout is not a four-way stop!

I feel certain that I am going to witness or participate in a stabbing, shooting, strangling or some other act of violence caused by this fundamental lack of understanding.

If you have any further questions on how this complex traffic pattern operates please feel free to ask. I will be waiting my turn in the roundabout behind grandma.

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